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Reset Incident

Activity Description

Resets an incident that triggered the workflow, or any other incident (typically used in cases of false alerts).


Unlike closing an activity, resetting it does not affect its MTTR and does not send a recovery message to the involved recipients.


  • Use Current Incident/Use Another Incident – Determines whether to reset the incident that triggered the workflow, or another incident.
  • Type: Device/Service – Determines whether the incident is ascribed to a Device or a Service.
  • Name – The name of the constant/dynamic incident's Device/Service (if you selected using a constant incident, the list changes according to Type selection).
    Example: %DeviceName%
  • Classification – The classification of the incident's Device/Service (if you selected using a constant incident, the list changes according to Type selection).
    Example: %AlertType%
  • Reason – The reason for resetting the incident (the reason is written to the log).